Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Updates on Maddie Grace

Tonight, I thought I would give everyone a few updates on Maddie Grace. We visited the pediatrician today and Maddie Grace is up to 7 pounds 2 ounces - such a big girl! She's gained almost 2 whole pounds since birth. We went in today to have the doctor check out some issues we've been having with reflux. Turns out Maddie Grace might have an intolerance to dairy. It's not an allergy, just an intolerance. Which means I have to give up dairy, which is going to be so hard for this dairy lover!

We also had our first meeting with BabyNet today, which is the program that coordinates services for children with disabilities in South Carolina. So the process is beginning.  Our first concern right now is the tone in her tongue and jaw. So we are hoping to get started with a speech therapist as soon as possible. So many functions are related to a strong jaw, tongue, and suck.  I feel like we are already behind though since we didn't get a diagnosis in the hospital. But we are slowly catching up and Maddie Grace is doing really well! She's healthy and growing, and so incredibly strong!

Here is a picture from today:

Her hat today is in honor of World Down Syndrome Day, which is tomorrow on 3-21.  We will celebrate Maddie Grace's extra 21st chromosome tomorrow.  I have a special post planned for tomorrow to let everyone know how we celebrated and what exactly it means to us to have a child with "designer genes!"  So if you feel compelled do something extra tomorrow for the people in your life in honor of Miss Maddie Grace Garrett!

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