Wednesday, March 21, 2012

3-21 Let's Celebrate that Extra Chromosome!

One of my biggest goals with this blog is to help raise awareness about what life is like with a child with Down syndrome. Honestly, I've never known an individual with Down syndrome. I don't really know how I've lived my 28 years never having known this amazing group of people.

I want people to understand that life really isn't too different just because Maddie Grace has a disability. Right now we have a newborn. We've been given so much information about what our life will be like with a child with Down syndrome, but what I don't think people realize is that Adam and I are first time parents and at the end of the day we are learning how to be parents. We are learning which diapers we like, and how to put those diapers on just right so that we don't have major blowouts! We are learning how to soothe a crying baby.  Maddie Grace and I are slowly getting into a nursing groove. All of these things have nothing to do with Down syndrome and everything to do with being first time parents to a newborn.

All of that being said, today  is World Down Syndrome day, and it's a day to celebrate those individuals who rock an extra chromosome.  The goal today is to do something extra to help raise awareness about Down syndrome.  It's a pretty awesome day if you ask me.

Part of my goal today is to show you what Down syndrome looks like to us.  Let's be honest here, Adam and I have had to endure some hard things in the last few weeks which were all related to Down syndrome.  We have been to a cardiologist, we have had meetings with BabyNet, we are on the schedule to visit the Down syndrome clinic. We also spent the day our daughter was born full of fear, anxiety, and grief. Those were all emotions that don't typically surround the birth of a baby, but they are real emotions and the emotions we went through. One thing I want to portray is truth and those were our true feelings.

But, it's really important to share that we also experienced great joy on the day Maddie Grace was born:

We've had first baths (and the scary jitters that go along with that!):

We fight the mat everyday during tummy time:

We have lots of cuddle time:

And let's not forget story time:

Hopefully, you can see that while we will have a different journey from those with typically developing children, and let's be honest, that journey will be harder at times, we really are just like everyone else with a newborn. And ultimately I hope you see that my child has value, her life is a blessing, and that she has a purpose!


  1. I didn't even know that you had this wonderful and adorable blog! I look forward to keeping up with y'all through it! I also have a little something for Maddie Grace :) xoxo Stephanie Hrisko

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I'm glad you are following along!

  2. Kayla,
    Elizabeth passed your blog on to me. You have amazed me! You are doing a great job sharing your joy and love of your child and you are right, she is no different from any other child. She is a child of God!
    Elaine Ackerman

  3. I have loved reading your blog Kayla! You are raising awareness with such grace and it is beautiful to see/read. I know a mama that just adopted a little girl with down syndrome, she calls it her "extra sparkle" and I just love that she calls it that!!! Maddie Grace is absolutely precious.

  4. Kayla
    I love your blog. I love keeping up with Maddie Grace. I did want to assure you that her family loved her from the moment you told us you were pregnant, before we know she was a she. She stole our hearts the minute we saw her. We don't see her diagnosis we she our beautiful granddaughter and look forward to watching her grow. God blessed you and Adam with Maddie Grace and in turn blessed us. We love you all!

  5. Congrats on your precious little one! She is beautiful. You daughter is going to bless your life in so many ways.
